Faith Baptist Schools: Excellence in Christian Education
The academic program, through the traditional approach, is developed to provide students with the best-possible
program of studies. We emphasize the mastery of the fundamental blocks of material necessary for satisfactory
achievement and stress the acquisition of facts and concepts in the various areas of study, leading to the development
and exercise of the powers of reasoning. At Faith Baptist Schools, we believe the traditional system of education educates the mind and builds character, encourages competition, and teaches the value of living under a free-enterprise system of government.
Our curriculum is made up of the total program of the School, whether it be the academic teaching, physical education,
music training, Bible instruction, or special events. All phases of the curriculum are directed to assist in the ultimate
development of the student. Emphasis is placed upon student achievement, mastery, and understanding of academic fundamentals.

Our Pre-School Program offers pre-kindergarten training in manuscript writing and phonics, which enables our pre-school children to write and spell hundreds of words, as well as to learn Bible, art, and music. Reading is taught to all children using a traditional phonetic approach, and most children demonstrate the capability to master the basics in this area of learning.
Our five-year-old kindergarten program is established upon the traditional philosophy of education, achievement, and conduct. Our students excel unlike any other kindergarten students: they read at the second- and third-grade levels, as well as score in the top 3% in the nation in reading, math, and language exams.
Our elementary program balances the following subjects: Arithmetic, Reading, Phonics, English, Science, Speech, Computer Instruction, Spelling, Bible, History, and Geography. It is not unusual for many of our students to read two or more years above the national average.

SECONDARY GRADES (7th- 12th Grade)
Many Faith Baptist Schools Graduates have expressed their gratitude for the training in self-discipline they acquired while they were students at Faith Baptist. Initiative and integrity are trademarks of our graduates. These are qualities that have been instilled through our solid, Bible-centered curriculum.
Our graduates have benefited not only from our character instruction, but also from our academic instruction.
Faith Baptist Junior High School is a member of the California Junior Scholarship Federation.
Faith Baptist High School is a member of the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation, which validates our courses and course content as meeting the high standards of admission for the University of California.